Herefordshire (South & East) Methodist Circuit
Bread Church
Following our trial session with Rev Peter Powers last year, we are now ready to start our own Bread Church at Ledbury, once a month (the last Monday of the Month).
Bread Church is a chance for fellowship and conversation whilst making bread and eating soup together. It is also an optional activity running alongside our places of welcome and warm spaces.
Rev Pete explains Bread Church:
”Bread Church seeks to close the distance between people of all ages and the bread they eat. We start with bread as a means of people reconnecting with all the food they eat. We teach people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures how to make their own bread. In doing so we help people understand more about the bread they eat, what goes into it and encourage people to reconnect with one another and with their spiritual lives.”
Come along and give it a try, the last Monday of the month 12:30pm to 2:30pm. As well as making bread together, we will eat soup and rolls, share in a bible story and a short prayer.
Our first Bread Church will be on 30th January 2023.